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Other Technology

Apple iPad tablet

iPad, iSight, iTunes, iBored: Why the new iPad does not inspire

Like many millions around the world, I tuned in to the Apple event last night (okay, I was watching a quickly updating twitter feed) with excitement and anticipation. I’m not a big fan of Apple, and do not own any of their devices, but I have to admit that when they call a press conference, with the exception of the iPhone 5 that never was, they normally announce something that makes people sit up and say “Wow!”

Car Forecourt

How car dealers can use text messaging to reduce costs

Mobile marketing campaigns do not always take the form of bulk messaging, where you have a database of mobile numbers that you broadcast a message to in the hope that you receive a response. An inbound SMS campaign such as tellmeTXT can tap the power of consumers and their mobiles by offering an informative and unobtrusive service to your potential customers, while at the same time reducing your own costs.

Lego Car Crash

Would you buy a car designed to kill you?

Any car is very capable of killing you, whether as a driver or as an innocent bystander, however with the advances in technology, car safety improves year upon year. I have to wonder though, had the car only just been invented, I do not believe any of us would ever be allowed to drive something quite so hazardous, dangerous and capable of reaping immense carnage.

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