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iPhone Closeup

Have Apple stopped innovating?

It seems all news articles about Apple now revolve around one of three things; Apple suing Samsung or Samsung suing Apple; Will we see a smaller iPad?; iPhone 5 rumours and release dates.The Apple / Samsung spat shows no signs of ending soon, and does nothing to help consumers or to forward technology and innovation.

NFC Bump Spot

Will NFC technology kill off the QR code?

I’ve been aware of NFC for sometime and back in January we published a consumer guide to NFC centred around how I believe it will be the next big thing in mobile. At the weekend I mentored at Launch48 in Birmingham and one of the participants showed me what he was doing with NFC, and all I could say was “Wow!”

Multiple Mobiles

The two mobile conundrum – Solved!

Well, maybe! We blogged a few weeks ago about the issues facing workers who are forced to use two mobiles, one for work and one personal, and the ‘bring a device to work’ trend of using your personal mobile for work related tasks and why that is a bad idea. We suggested a solution and it seems like someone, namely O2 may have been listening.

Data Theft

Have Twitter and others been stealing your private mobile data?

It seems unlikely to think that some of the more popular mobile apps would be taking personal and private data from your mobile and storing it on their own servers for whatever purpose they deem appropriate, but it appears that this is exactly what has been happening without either your permission or your knowledge.

Multiple Mobiles

Business and the two mobile conundrum

Over the years it has become increasingly more common to have two mobile phones, your own personal one, and one issued by your place of work. With the trend in increased phone sizes and some smartphones now having screens in excess of 4.5″, walking around with two ‘bricks’ can be far from desirable.


Time to uninstall the Linkedin BlackBerry app

I’ve had the Linkedin app installed on my BlackBerry for some time now, as I make extensive use of the social network for business. It has to be said though, considering that Blackberry has always been considered as ‘the phone of choice’ for business use, the Linkedin app is truly awful, and is a pale imitation of its iPhone and Android counterparts.

Touch Me! - NFC (Near Field Communication)

NFC – The next big thing in mobile that you need to know

The technology that drives NFC has been around for a while now. You’ll have no doubt been into retail stores that have scanners on the door and all the merchandise has a little electronic device attached – that is essential NFC technology at work. So why is this important to you and what does it have to do with your mobile telephone?

BlackBerry Smartphone Closeup

Why I’m Ditching My BlackBerry in 2012

I’ve always loved the fact that my BlackBerry has a real keyboard, I don’t feel an on-screen equivalent can compete. I will also miss how tightly it integrates with Outlook, even though RIM still sticks with their dubious decision to cripple the functionality when not linked to Microsoft Exchange. However, these are sacrifices I am willing to take, which goes someway to showing how disillusioned I have become with RIM’s flagship brand.

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