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Startup Stories: cloud.IQ

Startup Stories: cloud.IQ

In a new series of articles I look at the stories behind the startups and see how they came to be. In this first post we hear from James Critchley, CEO & Founder of cloud. IQ to find out why he left behind a secure career to found a Tech City startup aiming to make enterprise apps accessible to businesses of any size.


Have smartphones caused a reduction in vandalism?

The Crime Survey of England and Wales has shown that incidents of vandalism have fallen by 37% since March 2007, which may be a surprise to anyone who was caught up in any of the Summer 2011 riots. If you’ve been a recent victim of such anti-social behaviour, you might not believe your eyes that the situation appears to be improving. But why is it?

iPhone Closeup

Have Apple stopped innovating?

It seems all news articles about Apple now revolve around one of three things; Apple suing Samsung or Samsung suing Apple; Will we see a smaller iPad?; iPhone 5 rumours and release dates.The Apple / Samsung spat shows no signs of ending soon, and does nothing to help consumers or to forward technology and innovation.

RIM BlackBerry PlayBook

All change as BlackBerry’s RIM announces large losses

RIM, makers of BlackBerry smartphones and the PlayBook tablet has just announced their quarterly results, and it doesn’t look good. RIM report a $125m loss for the quarter compared with $934m profit for the same period last year, combined with $1b wiped off revenues.

Typo - San Fransisco

Be aware of typosquatting premium rate text scams

Premium rate text messages are a useful and highly convenient way of using a mobile to charge for a service or product, or to make a donation to a worthy cause. You simply send a text message with a keyword and short code and quickly receive a text response. It is the text message you receive that triggers the premium rate charge rather than the message you send.

NFC Bump Spot

Will NFC technology kill off the QR code?

I’ve been aware of NFC for sometime and back in January we published a consumer guide to NFC centred around how I believe it will be the next big thing in mobile. At the weekend I mentored at Launch48 in Birmingham and one of the participants showed me what he was doing with NFC, and all I could say was “Wow!”

Prada Branded Mobile

Do consumer brands represent the future of mobile?

It seems that in the world of the smartphone we are reaching a plateau. In the late 90s and early 2000s the trend was to make mobiles smaller and smaller, more recently the trend has been in the other direction, with manufacturers making mobiles as large as they feel you will tolerate, and this trend seems likely to be around for a while.

Multiple Mobiles

The two mobile conundrum – Solved!

Well, maybe! We blogged a few weeks ago about the issues facing workers who are forced to use two mobiles, one for work and one personal, and the ‘bring a device to work’ trend of using your personal mobile for work related tasks and why that is a bad idea. We suggested a solution and it seems like someone, namely O2 may have been listening.

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