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customer service

Online Thief

Hey Mr Startup, are you a thief?

There’s a simple mistake many startups are making with their online presence which is costing them sales, and it’s easy to put right. The issue is that I have no way of knowing whether you are a thief, crook, cowboy or combination of all three.

Broken Links

6 ways to get your Linkedin account suspended

Linkedin is a great networking tool, and many are utilising its power to manage communications with their contacts. I make extensive use of Linkedin and was dismayed last year to have managed to have my account suspended – and I’m a paying customer!

Car Forecourt

How car dealers can use text messaging to reduce costs

Mobile marketing campaigns do not always take the form of bulk messaging, where you have a database of mobile numbers that you broadcast a message to in the hope that you receive a response. An inbound SMS campaign such as tellmeTXT can tap the power of consumers and their mobiles by offering an informative and unobtrusive service to your potential customers, while at the same time reducing your own costs.

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