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short code

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Be aware of typosquatting premium rate text scams

Premium rate text messages are a useful and highly convenient way of using a mobile to charge for a service or product, or to make a donation to a worthy cause. You simply send a text message with a keyword and short code and quickly receive a text response. It is the text message you receive that triggers the premium rate charge rather than the message you send.

BlackBerry Smartphone Closeup

5 ways an inbound SMS keyword campaign beats other methods

Text message mobile marketing for business is still the most effective way for an organisation can use mobile advertising to promote their business. We are not talking about bulk messaging, but rather inbound SMS marketing, where you publish a keyword and a short code, combined with a compelling reason for your potential customer to send your business a text message.

Short Code Tariffs

A consumer guide to short codes and text costs

There is a fair bit of confusion that arises with some people as to what a short code is, what is its purpose, and how much does it cost to text? These are quite valid questions and in the post I’ll attempt to tell you everything you need to know as a consumer about short codes.

Text Messaging SMS Flip Phone

6 tips to running a successful SMS campaign

We’ve listed below 6 ways to ensure your ‘text and response’ mobile marketing campaign proves to be a success. Follow these tips and you will increase your sales without expending much time, effort or money.

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