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5 ways an inbound SMS keyword campaign beats other methods

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Text message mobile marketing for business is still the most effective way for an organisation can use mobile advertising to promote their business. We are not talking about bulk messaging, but rather inbound SMS marketing, where you publish a keyword and a short code, combined with a compelling reason for your potential customer to send your business a text message.

Here we’ve analysed 5 ways in which an inbound business text solution trumps other approaches.

  • Bulk Messaging – Sending out reams of text messages to a list of mobile numbers that you’ve collected or purchased will not only get a very poor response, but it is untargeted, hard to measure and runs the risk of irritating the recipients. Ouch!
  • In App Advertising – Another method of mobile marketing that delivers very small returns. If you’ve used mobile apps that are sponsored by having adverts within the app, how often have you clicked on one and then gone on to make a purchase? Exactly!
  • Leafleting – Tried, tested and traditional. A good leafleting campaign will get results and deliver an ROI. But how about making them more effective? A ‘call to action‘ in the form of an inbound SMS campaign included within the leaflet will increase its effectiveness, qualify your leads for you, and give your target audience a simple way of expressing an interest. Multi-channel!
  • Vouchers – There are many ways of discounting vouchers, whether that’s a ‘cut out’, or a code that is emailed or broadcast, we all love a voucher and a discount. An inbound text campaign enables you to collect mobile numbers of everyone who uses the campaign to request a voucher. Add it to your database, give them a call, close that sale. Discountastic!
  • QR Codes – Despite some obvious shortcomings and having been around for more than a decade, QR codes are starting to gain some momentum, however, only a minority of consumers know what they are, let only have a mobile that is setup to scan them. SMS is the lowest common denominator, with every one of the 5.9 billion mobiles in circulation capable of supporting it. Enormous!

This is by no means an exhaustive list, we’ve gone for some of the more obvious ones. We’d love to hear how you have been using business text messaging to grow your organisation, feel free to leave a comment.

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3 thoughts on “5 ways an inbound SMS keyword campaign beats other methods”

  1. Pingback: 5 ways an inbound SMS keyword campaign beats other methods | Digital Marketing Power |

  2. Is there a website with inbound uk number that will receive an sms and send it to my email?
    or Can someone help me by receiving free sms with some hosting sign up code in it and send that code to my email please?

    1. Hi Tom, our service will do this through the alerts you receive when someone texts your campaign. Sign up to the free trial and give it a go to see it in action.

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