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5 ways an inbound SMS keyword campaign beats other methods

Text message mobile marketing for business is still the most effective way for an organisation can use mobile advertising to promote their business. We are not talking about bulk messaging, but rather inbound SMS marketing, where you publish a keyword and a short code, combined with a compelling reason for your potential customer to send your business a text message.

Text Messaging SMS Flip Phone

Is your mobile screen big enough for more adverts?

The rise of the humble mobile phone is phenomenal. For most, they are never without their mobile, and when it beeps or vibrates, they check to see what it is. It is a marketers dream! We’ve all become annoyed at receiving unwanted text messages (which we very much disapprove of), but marketers are becoming more and more creative at getting their message in front of you.

Short Code Tariffs

A consumer guide to short codes and text costs

There is a fair bit of confusion that arises with some people as to what a short code is, what is its purpose, and how much does it cost to text? These are quite valid questions and in the post I’ll attempt to tell you everything you need to know as a consumer about short codes.

Broken iPhone

SMS is dead! Long live the text message!

It seems every few months a new report or article is published proclaiming that text messaging (SMS) is dead. This is usually accompanied with a review or some blatant advertising for the latest and greatest Instant Messaging (IM) mobile application, iMessage being one of the more recent phenomena from 2011.

Car Forecourt

How car dealers can use text messaging to reduce costs

Mobile marketing campaigns do not always take the form of bulk messaging, where you have a database of mobile numbers that you broadcast a message to in the hope that you receive a response. An inbound SMS campaign such as tellmeTXT can tap the power of consumers and their mobiles by offering an informative and unobtrusive service to your potential customers, while at the same time reducing your own costs.

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