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The great Corporation Tax conundrum

There’s a lot of negative press lately surrounding global technology companies, and the ease with which they appear to avoid paying tax in the UK. Alongside this negative press is misinformation, uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge about what is going on and what the government intends to do about it. What there isn’t a lack of is opinion, so allow me to add to it!

Online Thief

Hey Mr Startup, are you a thief?

There’s a simple mistake many startups are making with their online presence which is costing them sales, and it’s easy to put right. The issue is that I have no way of knowing whether you are a thief, crook, cowboy or combination of all three.

iPhone Closeup

Have Apple stopped innovating?

It seems all news articles about Apple now revolve around one of three things; Apple suing Samsung or Samsung suing Apple; Will we see a smaller iPad?; iPhone 5 rumours and release dates.The Apple / Samsung spat shows no signs of ending soon, and does nothing to help consumers or to forward technology and innovation.


Yahoo hack exposes 453,000 unencrypted passwords

We blogged last month about how Linkedin, eHarmony and all failed their customers in the space of a week. We said at the time that this won’t be the last in a sorry list of customer security fails, and we didn’t have to wait long.

RIM BlackBerry PlayBook

All change as BlackBerry’s RIM announces large losses

RIM, makers of BlackBerry smartphones and the PlayBook tablet has just announced their quarterly results, and it doesn’t look good. RIM report a $125m loss for the quarter compared with $934m profit for the same period last year, combined with $1b wiped off revenues.

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